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This website will help you to explore the major organs and systems of the human body,  giving you an understanding of basic anatomy and physiology. It will look at the structure, function and location of these organs and body systems, and how they work together in maintaining the body as a whole. 


This website will also help you to explore common disorders related to the body systems, and how these disorders affect individual systems. It will help you to understand the possible symptoms experienced by the individual, and the routine care provided for these conditions. 




An organ system is a group of organs that are responsible for major tasks or functions in the body.


They include the:


  • Circulatory System

  • Respiratory System

  • Neurological System

  • ​Digestive System

  • ​Renal System

  • Endocrine System

  • Reproductive System

  • Musculoskeletal System

An organ is a group of tissues working together to perform a specific function e.g. heart, brain, kidneys 

It is essential for health and social care workers to understand how the human body works so that appropriate care can be given to individuals who have particular illnesses or conditions. This section provides information on how disorders can affect body systems, and how these disorders can be treated.

Karen Dover

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The TRIP database allows you to search  sources of health evidence 

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