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Thyroid Gland Dysfunction


Thyroxine is a hormone, produced by the thyroid gland that helps to maintain the bodies metabolism in the regulation of heart rate and temperature. Problems with the thyroid gland can cause it to produce too much, or not enough thyroxine.


An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) occurs when there is too much thyroxine the body. This will speed up metabolism and can cause symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, unexplained weightloss, excessive sweating and possible swelling of the neck.


An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) means your thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroxine. This will slow down metabolism which can cause symptoms of feeling tired, weight gain, feeling cold, depression and memory problems.


For more information on overactive thyroid click on link to NHS choices

For more information on underactive thyroid click on link to NHS choices

Karen Dover

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